Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lemon Shrimp Pasta

This dish tosses shrimp, sugar snap peas,and orrechietto pasta with a lemony garlic sauce. First, I microwaved the sugar snap peas, defrosted some frozen ready-to-eat shrimp under running cold water, set them aside and put the pasta water on to boil. When the pasta is about ready, saute 5 cloves of garlic cut into small pieces and 3/4 of a thinly sliced lemon in olive oil until soft. Then add 1 TBS lemon oil, a splash of Madeira, some tarragon, 1 heaping TBS of creme fraiche, a shake of Mrs. Dash ( a salt free seasoning), stir and add shrimp. Cook for a few minutes and add peas until flavors are well melded ( 1-2 minutes). Toss in the pasta and serve. This recipe gives you ample servings for two in about 30 minutes.

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